Small Calibers for Concealed Carry, Everyday Carry, and Backup Guns
Smaller calibers deserve some respect. When actually compared head-to-head with the real-life performance of calibers beginning with 9mm and up, the performance statistics generally demonstrate comparable, or even superior, rates of effectiveness for the small calibers. It makes sense. Smaller caliber handguns are more universally manageable, there’s generally less recoil, and often less noise, making follow-up shot placement more accurate. The following provides a thumbnail overview of the most common small calibers and their niche. .22 LR The most popular caliber in the world by a considerable margin, you're virtually guaranteed to find . 22 LR ammo for sale anywhere ammunition is sold. As the smallest of the small calibers, .22 LR offers a variety of options. As concealed carry weapons (CCWs) or a backup gun (BUG), you can find pistols that literally fit inside a belt buckle or are the size of a stack of credit cards. As concealed as they come. For everyday ...