Tips for Storing Your Guns and Ammunition in the Winter
The best practices for storing guns and ammunition in the winter are similar to those for storing them at any other time. The only difference is mitigating the conditions of winters in areas where the extreme cold or excessive dampness can damage and even ruin guns and the ammo being stored for them. This is usually fairly simple and often doesn’t require much more than you’re already doing. However, depending on the storage situation and environmental conditions, it can require making some chances and sometimes, a considerable investment. Either way, if you take care of your shooting gear, it will take care of you. Storing Guns Whether it’s your Glock and 9mm ammo , or an old 30.06, the most important features of their safe storage are: Keep them in a cool, dry place, preferably out of direct light, and with a temperature that remains basically stable. It’s not the low temperatures alone that can damage gunmetal, but the fluctuations of expanding and contractin...